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The Kensington Park Civic Association was organized in 1958 as a non-profit, volunteer-staffed organization, run by and for all residents. The Association has been responsible for the installation of over 200 street lights in the park, mail delivered to the door, beautification and lighting of the entrances, and successfully contested utility overcharges and rate increases. The Association is also in constant liaison with the County Inspectors for the removal of junk cars, debris and proper lot maintenance, and the maintenance of the canals and streets. The Association is also responsible for the publishing of the Kensington Park Website and the periodic newsletter, which are delivered to all members and residents.

The Purpose of the Association

  1. Unify all residents into a well-informed community;

  2. Keep all residents abreast of local and state civic matters;

  3. Report the local and state relationships to, and impact upon, the community;

  4. Help safeguard the property and the civil rights of each resident through a united effort, guaranteeing each resident a voice in community affairs.

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Association Meetings

Meetings are open to all Kensington Park residents.

We encourage you to attend the next meeting!

Day & Time:
Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm. KPCA volunteers put yard signs around the neighborhood several days before meeting.

The Association meetings usually take place at the Calvary Church located at 3800 27th Parkway.

The time and place of the meetings are subject to change, and any changes are published in various locations including the website and the print and email newlsetter. Newsletters are published periodically throughout the year.


P.O. Box 52574
Sarasota, FL 34232

Kensington Park

Civic Association

We do our best to keep the information on our website fresh, accurate, and up-to-date. If you come across any information on this website that is incorrect or missing, or have an idea for new content, please email: KensingtonParkComm@gmail.comRemember to include what web page and what information is incorrect.

Website Edit


©2024 Kensington Park Civic Association, Inc | All Rights Reserved

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